Actually I don't wanna write about that here...I would like to talk about internet money...I still remember one of my friends sometime ago told me "I tak percaya lah bisnes internet ni...sampai bila I tak percaya. Tak kan internet boleh bagi duit begitu mudah". One of my close friend (lecturer) pernah gelakkan aku...dia kata "ko dah jadi jutawan la sebab internet ni...hahahahaha". Sorang lagi pernah sindir aku. Dia kata "kalau ko jual majalah gambar bogel budak melayu kat internet baru laku...sat lagi ko kaya". But for me it is ok...itu cabaran namanya....and I do not care just because I do my own business, never disturbing others, and I do it because I love it!
Well, baru ni aku dapat check from Google for Google Adsense program. Aku sebenarnya takdelah serius sangat pasal Adsense ni. Ala...dulu aku dah bagitau lam blog ni aku bukan serius with Google Adsense...check ni pun tak banyak. Just USD111.31 je...which about RM384.00 jer...actually aku melibatkan diri dalam internet biz ni dah lama...but never serious.
Before, I did some affiliate program together with Adsense. I am selling insurance, loan and satellite TV on the net...dapatlah around USD300-500 a month. One of the affiliate I am joining can be seen below...dah lama, year 2006 dulu...

I am trying to find all the previous reciepts and checks which each time I receieved, I will take a picture of it...but banyak dah hilang lam CD mana ntah...kalau aku jumpa aku bagi tengok kat lam blog nih...
But I feel that 80% should be spent on the marketing. Since I am a lazy type in promoting, I just do sambil lewa. Ada, adalah. Takde, takdelah. But as mentioned before, my serious concern is the online trading. I feel much more relax (actually most of the time stressed! Especially when the market price against us...hehehehe) and have more time with family. This month, guess how much I got from online trading? Its a big amount....almost 5 figures! I do not want to disclose it....but this figure not as high as March 2009, still a very good extra income to me...
And think about internet really can generate money to us? I 'must' say YES! Providing that you know how to drag the money. Some people do make money, while others do biz on the net. Whatever it long as you know how to do, then the money will come...I have a friend selling properties on the net. While some getting USD500-1k using Adsense. A friend of my wife selling parfum on the net (she got RM3k-4k a month!)....some selling even 'ayam kampung' on the net...And one of my friend even getting USD15k-20k a month through online trading. Yes, It is up to you how to manipulate the internet and dig some money from it.
The best thing is...I use this internet money to start my own Ayam Kampung Project and I think that no need for me to get bank loan to start the project....can you?
I did it and prove to those laughing at me before!
Ok lah...June 2009, for friends around Pantai Timur Sabah, I'll be in Sandakan, Tawau, Lahad Datu, Kunak and Semporna on 15 to 22 June 2009. I really looking into this journey...I am in planning with my friend, Rizan to be ready with his weapon, the Nikon D80 to shoot any interesting event. Here a bit of my journey :
I will start from KLIA directly to Sandakan. Stay 1 night in Sandakan then depart by flight to Tawau. In Tawau I will drive to Lahad Datu, estimated 4 hours. Stay in Lahad Datu 1 night then go down to Kunak. Afternoon I will go down again to Tawau. Day after, I will go to Semporna. I will spend my weekly in Sipadan Island to take few pictures. This is a very challenging journey where I will drive for a long hours....Imagine, 2 hours to Kunak from Tawau as well as to Semporna. We are hoping to stay in Semporna one night but, my friend told me not to do so because nothing in Semporna and dangerous too...a very quiet town at can only see army and policeman walking in the town! Really? Well...hiw word not scaring me...this is what me and my friend looking for....boleh amik gambar...sure hebat!
By the way...for friends...wait for me...and Rizan, ready with your weapon. The rest...think about your internet business!!!!
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